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Theft prevention 

solutions for retail


Minimise theft.

Engage your customer.

You need retail anti-theft devices designed to protect your inventory while improving sales and enhancing the customer experience. We provide a complete host of display security and open stock security products designed to reduce theft, while allowing your customer to experience the product.

What We Provide 


Security Hardware

Because of our unique approach to your security solutions, we think of ourselves as both security-providers and marketers. We build our solutions so your customers can fully experience your product and you can gain peace of mind regarding the safety of your products.


Security Software

Our software solutions are designed to eliminate the ability of criminals to use or resell stolen consumer electronic devices for profit. It protects your inventory from all types of theft, at multiple levels. This software package is effective stand-alone theft deterrence, or can be added into an existing hardware security solution.


Project Management

Every day we work with major retailers and independent stores including Apple, Samsung, Walmart, Google, Target, LG, Vodaphone, Sainsbury’s and Boots. We manage every stage of production including manufacturing, delivery and installation to ensure our high standards are maintained in every store.

Display Solutions

Hardware and software products to protect your stock and bottom line.

Our modular hardware solutions support a wide variety of products. Their modular design can be implemented in stores of all shapes and sizes.

Latest Case Studies


Gillette has trusted us to supply and develop Loss Prevention solutions for many years. We have created solutions for permanent and temporary displays, across almost all UK retailers.


In 2017 Sainsbury’s needed to re-think the Loss Protection strategy. Our TRPDOR Hook​ is now the fixture protection standard across; Blades, Inks, Small Electrical and Toothbrush heads in all Stores.

​Rapidly increasing loss in the Health and Beauty bays are an area Tesco had been struggling with. The UFO Trpdor Hook is now providing reduced loss and superior merchandising across the UK.



High-value nicorette products have experienced an uptick in theft. Our cover plate solution has proven to be an effective mitigation technique for many stores in the United Kingdom.

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